Bootcamp Partner Drills

In a bootcamp setting, it's essential to keep workouts lively and engaging. This is where Bootcamp Partner Drills shine! They add a layer of fun to the sessions, breaking away from the routine, and making workouts something everyone looks forward to. Along with being fun Bootcamp Partner Drills are a great way for your participants to interact and connect with each other - which in turn builds your community!

Check out some of our favourite Bootcamp Partner Drills below!

☆ Partner Drill ☆


Pair your team up and make 2 lines - so they're facing their partner.

One person does bear crawls backwards and forwards, approx 2 metres.

The other person holds a squat (if they've got any legs left! 😆) and gives the bear crawler a high five and encourages them on!!

Call out a random SWAP and they switch exercises. You can make the intervals long or short depending on your mood! 🤣🤣

3-5min is plenty for this drill and makes a great finisher!!

Centipede Dips


Get one person to set up their dip position on the bench like normal. Then one at a time everyone sets up on the next person's knees - ready to dip.

It's important to call out DOWN and UP so everyone keeps in time with each other!! ⬇️ ⬆️

See how many they can do together! 🙌

You can even create a few teams and see who can do the most!!

Grass surface is ideal - as they're probably going to land on their 🍑s!! 😆

☆ Partner Finisher ☆


One person wall sits whilst the other planks with their legs on their partner's lap.

See who can hold it the longest.

Swap over once they have reached their max.

You can repeat 2-3x rounds if you're feeling mean haha!

Let us know what you think and if you're going to try it with your team!

5min LEG BURNER Drill

👉 Team up your crew into pairs.

👉 Set a timer for 30sec WORK, 10sec REST.

👉 They do a Partnered Wall Sit for 30sec then have a 10sec rest.

👉 Then Partnered High-10 Jump Squats for 30sec followed by a 10sec rest.

👉 Complete 4x rounds of each exercise for a FULL leg BURN and whinging effect! 🤣🤣🤣

Let us know what you think of it or tag us if you try it with your team!

2 x Partner Core Drills

Drill 1 - Foot Kicks “50, 40, 30, 20, 10”

- Pair your group up

- One personal holds a table top position

- The other person needs to tap their partners feet with their toes

- Swap after 50, then 40, 30, 20, 10

Drill 2 - A Frame Commando Crawls

- Pair your group up

- One person holds at A-Frame

- Their partner commando crawls underneath as many times as possible in 30seconds!

Give them a go and let us know what you think!

Workout by @embracefitnessandmassage

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Looking for more ways to keep your bootcamp classes fresh and exciting?

Check out these related pages for even more workout ideas:

  • Bootcamp Games: Have fun and engaging ways to add variety to your bootcamp workouts.

  • Boxing Workouts Ideas: Add some punch to your bootcamp with these high-energy boxing drills.

  • Fun Workout Finishers: End your sessions on a high note with these fun and challenging finishers that leave your clients feeling accomplished.

  • Bootcamp Workouts: Discover a variety of full bootcamp workout ideas designed to target strength, endurance, and overall fitness.

If you'd like a whole heap more of Bootcamp Games and fun Fitness Games - check out the Bootcamp Workout Hub! In this membership site we have 100's of Bootcamp Games, Bootcamp Drills and Bootcamp Workouts you can plug and play into your sessions!

Bootcamp Workout Hub

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